A common occurrence among people of different ages and professional backgrounds when the back hurts in the lower back. Hypotension in contrast to excessive loads in the gym, drafts, poor posture - all this causes uncomfortable, painful sensations in the lumbar region.

When a sedative is enough to fix the problem and at what point you need urgent medical intervention. You need to remember the following: if your lower back constantly hurts, this is a serious reason to consult a specialist.
Why does the lower back hurt
The causes of pain in the lumbar region can either be similar in men and women, or have their own specifics related to anatomical features and professional activities and lifestyle.
- A stiffness of the lower back in the morning after sleep can be the result of a poor quality bed and can indicate spinal problems.
- If the lower back hurts a lot, it is possible to violate the nerve endings, develop a disc herniation, osteochondrosis.
- When you stand for a long time, a static load acts on the middle part. The lumbar muscles come in a hypertonic state and can disrupt the innervation of nerve endings.
- When you are sitting, your lower back hurts due to poor posture. Too many sitting at the table occupy an uncomfortable body position, which also leads to excessive strain of the muscle corset and violation of nerve endings.
- When the lower back aches and pulls the legs, the symptoms may indicate a violation of the nerve endings in the pelvic area. Often the violation occurs in the coccygeal region, when it hurts below the waist, then the pain is reflected in the lower extremities.
- If the back hurts above the waist, then most likely the issue is in the violation of the nerve fibers in the lumbar region, or the problem comes from the internal organs.
- The situation when the lower back hurts from the side, the feeling is like traction and the temperature rises, then here we are talking about progressive inflammation in the internal organs.
To identify the cause of pain in the lumbar region, you should undergo a thorough medical examination and do tests that will show if there are inflammatory processes, violations of nerve endings or if there is a hernia. Only after the diagnosis has been clarified can measures be taken to eliminate the disease.
Pain in the lower back in women
Poor sex is particularly prone to low back pain. The reasons why modern women have back pain in the lower back can be related to both professional activities and the presence of disease.
Pain after running can develop due to improperly chosen shoes without a high quality shock absorber, when the heel shock on the ground without smoothing is transmitted to the lumbar region. The lower back hurts after walking wearing very high heels, which not only upset the balance, but also cause the woman to strongly arch the spine, putting extra stress on the waist region.
Pain while walking may not be the result of back disease, but problems with the hip joints, which are subject to excessive friction during exercise. Anxiety at night can cause an uncomfortable mattress for a girl in bed.
If the pain is felt right or left, closer to the periphery, this indicates a greater probability of disease of the internal organs. A disturbing coccyx can be a symptom of injury or suffocation.
Whatever the cause, only a qualified specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Pain in the lower back before menstruation
The reasons why women and girls may have pain in the lower back or pull the lower abdomen before the onset of menstruation have a very broad etiology. This can be due to changes in the hormonal background, as well as symptoms of a number of diseases.
- Neoplasms;
- Infections and consequences of hypothermia;
- Improper installation of intrauterine device;
- Abnormalities in the location of the uterus or ectopic pregnancy;
- Cysts, fibroids, endometriosis.
Given the breadth of the list, a woman with disturbing symptoms should consult a physician and determine the cause of the regular illness.
Why does the lower back hurt during menstruation?
Pain in the lumbar region during menstruation is often considered the norm because there is a severe hormonal increase, a large amount of blood flows to the pelvic organs and, as they grow, they can put pressure on nerve endings. The pain subsides as soon as the main exit occurs.
However, some women continue to feel unwell after menstruation. If such a manifestation is atypical, then it is worth considering this as a signal of a possible pathology.
Can the lower back be damaged in the absence of obvious causes in the form of infections, diseases and the development of pathological processes? Perhaps if the anatomical structure of the uterus is such that it deviates backwards. In this position, swelling during menstruation, will put pressure on adjacent organs and nerve endings, which will cause pain in the lumbar region. A uterine prolapse caused by regular weight gain can also provoke a similar symptom.
If a woman has pain in the stomach and lower back, it is strongly recommended to visit a gynecologist to identify the cause of such a disease. Symptoms may indicate the development of polycystic ovary disease, inflammation of the appendages, endometriosis, infectious and sexually transmitted diseases. The cause may be a poorly installed intrauterine device or the opposite case - the development of an ectopic pregnancy.
Pain in the lower back during pregnancy
A common complaint of women during pregnancy is an indicator of back pain. There can be quite a few reasons why pregnant women experience lower back pain, as the body is undergoing major restructuring, weight gain and imbalance due to an enlarged abdomen.

In the early stages of pregnancy, attractive distress can start from the moment the fertilized egg hardens in the walls of the uterus. After giving birth, pregnant women are prone to diseases of the urogenital area - cystitis and pyelonephritis, which can also be reflected in pain in this area.
Why a pregnant woman may start to feel great discomfort in the second trimester. This is due to the active growth of the fetus and an increase in the volume of the future mother's abdomen - the internal organs begin to squeeze, including the nerve endings that pass into the pelvic area. A woman may experience radiating pain in the gluteal region or in the legs.
A woman can feel how her lower abdomen is pulled, in the final stages, when the baby's head starts to fall, the pain flows down the back into the sacrum. At 21 to 40 weeks of pregnancy, a woman may experience lower back pain due to increased relaxation levels. This provokes the development of symphysiopathy - an inflammatory process in the pubic node.
The lower back hurts and gives way to the legs
A common occurrence in people after the age of 35 are complaints of pain in the lumbar region with recurrence of the leg or gluteal muscle. What can be associated with such a pathology? For some people, the pain radiates to the right leg, for others, the pain radiates to the left leg, even though the lower back feels the same. Here the issue may be that different nerve roots are constricted because there are outlets on both the right and left side of the vertebra.
The pain will spread to the buttocks and legs with osteochondrosis, scoliosis, disc herniation and a whole list of other diseases associated with spinal cord neuron damage.
When pressed, the lower back hurts a lot. A hard movement can lead to such a serious consequence that the pain syndrome will have to be removed with an injection. Since inflammation develops immediately due to injury, additional pressure is exerted on the nerve ending.
The problem will be solved after a course of steroid anti-inflammatory drugs and decongestants, which will allow the patient to relax and relieve muscle tension in the affected area.
Also common causes of such radiation may be neuralgia and the more serious pathologies associated with neoplasia in the lumbar region, which will exert pressure or cause inflammation.
Why does the lower back hurt in men
Treatment of pain in the lumbar region in men is very often associated with neglected cases, because the representative of the stronger sex prefers to endure "until the spear in the back does not interfere with sleep. "Just when the pain becomes the cause of chronic lack of sleep, the husband decides to go to the doctor.

Back pain in the case of a representative of the stronger sex can be associated with:
- With high physical activity - professional, sports;
- Problems with the spine due to physical inactivity, prolonged driving.
- Problems of internal organs - kidney or prostate.
Treating the lower back at home for acute painful attacks will be ineffective, especially if folk remedies are used. Given that men tend to cause the disease, sometimes the pain has to be blocked with the help of injections of powerful drugs - sedatives and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Back pain after sleep
Have you ever had pain in your lower back in the morning? Such a reaction of the body is quite understandable if the day before you overdo it in the workout or, after you have started a general cleaning, move the furniture vigorously. If it is an injury, then you should definitely visit a doctor to make sure there are no serious consequences.
And if there are no injuries and you do not abuse the sport, but after sleep you feel pain in the lower back. One of the causes of morning pain is the development of osteochondrosis. With the development of pathology, the bones and parts of the spine become much more sensitive to the static position of the body at night. What will pass without consequences to a healthy person, for a patient with osteochondrosis, will cause some of the acute painful sensations after waking up.
Also, the pain can be caused by an abnormally highly curved spine in the supine position. This is due to the habit of sleeping, lying on your back, stretching your legs. The lumbar region gets an excessive load and by morning you can have very tense muscles.
If morning pain is chronic, you should be examined by a doctor, as this condition can be a signal from the body for disorders, or a reaction to stress, illness or excess weight. It is very important to find out the reason.
How to tell if your kidneys or lower back hurt
Pain in the lumbar region can be caused by problems with both the spine and the internal organs.

How do you know where the signal is coming from? To determine what hurts - the kidneys or the lower back - you need to observe the localization. The spine, tight nerve endings, and spasmodic muscles are felt with pain closer to the central part of the back, at the axis of the spine. And if the kidneys hurt, it gives the lower back closer to the periphery, sideways.
At the same time, the pain in the spine can change: it can be stronger in the morning, after waking up and late in the afternoon at the end of the day. Pain from the internal organs is more permanent and may be accompanied by signs of inflammation - fever, vomiting.
In a simple way, we define - the lower back or kidneys. If the pain is weaker with physical inactivity and disappears after rubbing with ointment, then this is the back. Pain from the internal organs will not give a debilitating reaction to the local application of warming ointments and will not allow you to relax, regardless of the position you hold.
The child has back pain
Low back pain in children is often caused by poor posture or a poor quality workplace. The appearance of pain has no clear connection with age: it can harm both a preschooler and a teenager. Why does the lower back hurt in childhood, can tell a vertebrologist after a detailed examination.
- Muscle strain due to a heavy backpack or constant sitting on a desk or computer - up to 80% of cases.
- The development of scoliosis requires prompt intervention, as children’s spine can deform very quickly.
- Injuries or bruising.
- Diseases of the internal organs - 20% of applications.
If a child has a fever and pain in the lower back, then this may be a symptom of an extremely unpleasant osteomyelitis disease. The pathological process of a purulent-necrotic nature affects the bone marrow and bones.
Which doctor to contact
When the lower back hurts and the need to visit a doctor is preparing, the patient wonders which doctor can help. Everything here will depend on the reasons that caused the pain.
For beginners, it is recommended to visit a local therapist or a general practitioner. To determine the source of the problem, you will need an examination, spinal radiograph, pelvic ultrasound, general blood and urine tests.
After the examination, the therapist recommends which specialist you should contact to continue the treatment that aims at the cause. As such a specialist may be recommended:
- Neurologist - to examine the spine, back muscles and nerves.
- Urologist - if there are problems in the urogenital area.
- A gynecologist is a female specialist who will help identify the cause of pain in the female reproductive system.
Timely contact with a specialist will help eliminate the cause of back pain in the initial stage. Advanced cases can lead to serious consequences, which can result in the involvement of surgical intervention.
Exercises for back pain
When eliminating an attack of acute pain, the doctor after drug therapy in most cases prescribes exercise therapy, namely exercise. Effective exercises help relieve tension from the muscle corset, strengthen it, eliminate spasms within the fibers, which can cause pain.
The rehabilitation system provides for all exercises to be performed slowly, without sharp turns and strokes. If you do not follow this rule, you may receive additional injuries.
Clamping exercises are recommended to relieve pain. For muscle fibers, such a load makes it possible to remove the hypertonicity, the clamps are removed. An exercise focused on a problematic muscle group or spine. It improves blood circulation to the problem area, increases microcirculation in muscle and cartilage cells, contributing to increased nutrition and removal of decay products.
The required group of exercises is chosen by the attending physician or a physiotherapist who will conduct the exercise therapy classes. As the patient's task is to independently maintain and consolidate the result by doing exercises at home.
How to lubricate the lower back with pain
When the lower back starts to ache, the first thought that arises is how to smear how to treat. You can not catch the first creams and ointments that come across the inscription "pain reliever". It is important to understand what caused the pain and only then apply the right medicine.
- If the pain is accompanied by osteochondrosis, tight nerve endings, inflammation of the nerve roots, both NSAIDs and corticosteroids may be required.
- In case of hypothermia, to activate the microcirculation of blood in the muscles, warming ointments with irritating effect are suitable.
- There are also homeopathic preparations and balms.
It should be remembered that oils will not help if the cause of the pain lies in the internal organs. If the pain is caused by diseases of the kidneys, organs of the female or male genitourinary system, then anesthetic ointments can lubricate the clinical picture, and heating ones can provoke an intense development of inflammation.
This is why it is also necessary to use folk remedies only after consulting a doctor, so as not to aggravate your condition with unjustified treatment.