Regular knee pain during movement and limited mobility indicate a serious problem with the joint. With a high degree of probability, arthrosis will be diagnosed - the breakdown of the cartilage tissue of the joint. To avoid disability, it will be necessary to treat arthrosis of the knee joint.
What medicines are prescribed for the treatment of arthrosis of the joints?
The choice of the appropriate treatment system and medications depends on the degree of joint damage and the presence of associated diseases. If arthrosis is in the first or second stage, then drug treatment is possible. In the case of the third stage of the disease, complicated by other diseases, the only treatment is surgery. Therefore, it is important to recognize the problem in time and start solving it using conservative methods.
Arthrosis can develop in childhood due to improper formation of ligaments or articular surfaces.

The disease can also appear after injury or the formation of other pathologies of the body, including:
- fractures, muscle strains, bruises and dislocations of the knee;
- the consequences of professional sports;
- meniscus surgery;
- arthritis;
- obesity;
- salt deposits in joints;
- pathologies associated with muscle spasms.
If the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint begins immediately after identifying the first signs of the disease, then a full recovery is possible. At a later stage, when the disease becomes chronic, long-term remission can be achieved.
Classic treatments include:
- use of drugs;
- manual therapy, exercise therapy, physiotherapy and massage;
- use of traditional medicine (ointments, rubs).
Today, doctors are offering new methods for treating arthrosis of the knee joint: the use of drugs containing hormones, drugs to relieve spasms and restore joint cartilage tissue. These are non-steroidal drugs that relieve inflammation, chondroprotectors, various types of ointments, compresses, intra-articular injections.
Complex treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint is also possible, in which the use of traditional medicine, medications and massage at the same time is allowed. They complement each other's actions, relieve pain and promote joint renewal.
Let's see how each type of medication works in the treatment of osteoarthritis.

general information
In the process of restoring the joint, you should limit the load on the knee and adhere to the orthopedic regimen. During an exacerbation, the patient's diet plays an important role.
All efforts in the treatment phase should be aimed at:
- pain relief;
- elimination of inflammation and swelling;
- improving the condition of joint cartilage;
- activation of blood supply to the injured knee;
- restoration of joint muscles.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
The treatment regimen for osteoarthritis of the knee usually includes therapy with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). They reduce pain and eliminate inflammation. Prescription drugs in the form of injections are more effective. Medicines act quickly in the affected area and do not affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes NSAIDs are used in the form of ointments. They are less effective and usually serve as an addition to the main treatment.
The attending physician usually prescribes non-steroidal drugs in the lowest effective doses, increasing them if necessary.

In addition to NSAIDs, to improve the condition of an injured knee, chondroprotectors are prescribed, restoring cartilage tissue and improving the composition of synovial fluid. A special feature of this group of drugs is the long recovery period during drug administration. The course of treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint with chondroprotectors lasts six months or more. If no noticeable changes occur during this period, then other recovery methods are chosen.
The simultaneous use of chondroprotectors and hyaluronic acid is recommended. Preparations based on hyaluronic acid are injected into the joint. They promote the restoration of connective tissues, as they participate in the formation of chondrocytes - cells of articular cartilage.
Ointment for the treatment of the knee
For arthrosis, the use of local medications, for example, ointments, is also recommended. They cannot fully cope with the disease, so they are used together with other drugs. Using ointments can speed healing.
The main effects of ointments for arthrosis:
- relief of inflammation;
- eliminate pain;
- relief of muscle spasms;
- improvement of blood circulation;
- warm;
- improving nutrition of joint tissues;
- protect against the development of infection.
Compress for the knee with arthrosis
This type of manipulation is the most common in the treatment of gonarthrosis and arthrosis. This is due to the rather rapid relief of the symptoms of the disease. Compresses are most often used in alternative medicine, where decoctions and tinctures of plants are used for treatment. It should be understood that a compress will not cure the disease by itself, so you should combine its use with taking traditional medications.
The use of compresses is associated with the rapid acquisition of positive effects:
- blood circulation improves;
- nutrients and drug components quickly reach the affected joint area;
- muscle tone increases;
- relief of inflammation;
- pain intensity decreases;
- the functionality of the synovial fluid is restored.
Intra-articular injections
Intra-articular injection is one of the most advanced forms of treatment. This therapy is very effective, but also quite expensive. The condition of the injured knee improves due to the fact that the medicine reaches the affected area directly. The drug stops the development of the inflammatory process and provides nutrition for the joint cartilage. Intra-articular injections of chondroprotectors treat the joint and not just relieve symptoms.

If the drug is injected directly into the area of the joint capsule, it immediately begins to work. With intramuscular, intravenous injections and taking tablets, the onset of action is significantly prolonged. In addition, there are negative side effects in other organs.
There are two groups of medications that are prescribed for joint injections. These include glucocorticoids and hyaluronic acid.
Vitamin complex
Vitamins are an important adjunct to medications and other treatments. They promote the rapid renewal of cartilage tissue, as well as maintain the general condition of the body. During the treatment of arthrosis, vitamins B, C, A and E are prescribed in parallel with medicines.
Manual therapy in the treatment of gonarthrosis
Comprehensive therapy for arthrosis should include manual therapy procedures. The specialist uses his hands on the patient's body to improve blood circulation in the affected joint, normalize its mobility and prevent atrophic processes. Manual exercises, when combined with medications, help treat arthrosis of the knee and hip joints.
The duration of using manual therapy procedures depends on the severity of arthrosis. Usually the doctor prescribes from 1 to 10 sessions. This method is effective in the initial or middle stages of the disease. The degree of damage, treatment methods and duration of use of each method must be determined by an orthopedist after a complete diagnosis.

Physiotherapy for gonarthrosis
This method of joint treatment is very effective in combination with medications. Physiotherapy can speed up the recovery process, reduce the doses of drugs taken and the possibility of side effects.
There are several types of physiotherapy used for arthrosis:
- exposure to a magnetic field;
- electrophoresis;
- exposure to radiation;
- ultrasonic impact.
The type of physiotherapy, their duration and amount are determined by the physiotherapist after the diagnosis of the patient. There are a number of co-morbidities for which physiotherapy is contraindicated.
Special exercises for arthrosis are used in the early stages of the disease, when the cartilage tissue has not yet been destroyed. Moderate physical activity can stop negative changes in the joints. In a later stage of arthrosis, physical education for therapeutic purposes is used during the period of remission, when the primary therapy is carried out to relieve pain and inflammation.

All exercises should be done smoothly with moderate load on the legs. A properly selected exercise therapy complex improves blood circulation, increases metabolism and activates drug absorption, strengthens muscles, which provides effective treatment of knee joint arthrosis.
Physical therapy exercises are included in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
Late-stage osteoarthritis cannot be treated with drugs. The only solution is surgery. Only it can restore the mobility of the knee. The factors for the prescription of surgical treatment are the third stage of arthrosis, the lack of effect of conservative methods and serious knee injuries against the background of the development of arthrosis.
Today, there are four types of surgical interventions in the treatment of knee pain:
- shared custody;
- joint replacement;
- joint removal;
- strengthening the joints.
The type of surgery is chosen by the doctor based on the degree of joint damage, accompanying diseases and the reaction of the patient's body to the use of a particular method of conservative treatment. It should be understood that surgical intervention is accompanied by a long period of rehabilitation using a therapy complex. Therefore, the need for surgery must be strictly justified by a comprehensive diagnosis.
Proper nutrition during the development of arthrosis can reduce the rate of joint damage and increase the effectiveness of the treatment of the disease. It is important to understand which foods should be present in the diet regularly and which should be abandoned forever. Seafood, fresh vegetables and fruits help improve joint function. Fish oil improves the condition of cartilage. In addition, phosphorus, iron and selenium are important in the formation of many tissues, including cartilage. Apple and pomegranate juice have good anti-inflammatory properties. Their presence in the diet not only prevents the development of inflammatory processes, but also fights those that have already started.
People suffering from osteoarthritis should exclude foods containing trans fats from their diet. In addition, you should avoid fatty meats, whole milk and corn oil. The fats contained in these products destroy the cartilage tissue of the joints.