Among all the disorders of the musculoskeletal system, the second most common is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. The symptoms and treatment of the disease are determined by the stage of its development, so it is so important not to miss the signs of an impending illness.
Osteochondrosis is called dystrophic changes in the articular cartilage against the background of intervertebral disc damage. Osteochondrosis of the cervix is characterized by pathological destruction of the cartilaginous tissue of the vertebrae that support the head.
Most often, the disease is diagnosed in people between the ages of 30 and 40 years. In developed countries, one or another degree of cervical osteochondrosis is diagnosed in 80% of the population.
The neck is considered the most mobile part of the spine. At the same time, there are not enough muscles around the neck that can compensate for the load on the back. Therefore, most of the load falls on the intervertebral discs, which act as a shock-absorbing cushion.
As a result, the discs are consumed, dried and flattened, osteochondrosis develops.
The reasons that contribute to the appearance of pathology lie not only in anatomy, but also in human behavior:
- sedentary and static work, sedentary work - on the computer, driving a car, in the office;
- excess weight;
- great physical activity;
- smoking;
- improper nutrition;
- poor physical shape;
- spinal cord injury.
Other provocative factors for the development of osteochondrosis are: flat feet, soft mattresses and pillows, the habit of carrying the bag on the shoulder, hypothermia and stress.
How the disease manifests itself
At the beginning of the disease, only numbness of the neck can testify to its development, to which usually no attention is paid. As the pathology progresses, the number and intensity of manifestations increases.
There are characteristic symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis:
- pain in the back of the head, at the base of the neck, radiating to the extremities;
- crackling and pain when turning the head;
- numbness or tingling in the areas between the shoulder blades and at the base of the neck, burning, discomfort and stiffness;
- headache, migraine, dizziness;
- weakness, fatigue.
Secondary symptoms include decreased vision, hearing, memory problems, sleep disturbances, inattention, lack of consciousness, increased pressure.
Doctors classify the signs of osteochondral processes as syndromes associated with a certain type of spinal lesion.
Stenosis. It develops against the background of intervertebral disc herniation and is associated with impaired blood circulation and excessive growth of bone tissue. Manifested by numbness of the limbs.
Reflex-irritant syndrome is a consequence of compression of the vertebral artery in case of neck curvature and poor posture. Appears in severe paroxysmal pain in the back of the head with a gradual spread to the areas around the forehead.
Radicular syndrome. It is noticed when the spinal roots are flattened - the consequences of a hernia. At the same time, sensitivity in the affected areas decreases, and motor activity becomes limited. May be associated with the development of speech defects, snoring, impaired sense of smell, decreased sensitivity of the tongue muscles.
The complexity of the flow of processes is determined by the condition of the pulposus nucleus that fills the vertebral space.
Degenerative lesions of the cervical region are conventionally divided into three stages:
- First. The intervertebral disc is compressed. Crochet bead processes have expanded. Muscle stiffness appears, but their mobility does not change. There may be slight swelling and pain when turning the head;
- The second. It develops against the background of the progression of the first stage of the disease, if the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine was missing or was performed incorrectly. The intervertebral foramen narrows, the height of the intervertebral discs becomes smaller due to their flattening. Compression of the nerve roots occurs. The patient feels pain of a droplet nature;
- the third. Cracks in the annulus fibrosus surrounding the intervertebral disc lead to rupture of its capsule and deformation of muscle tissue. The fixation stability of the pulposus nucleus within the intervertebral disc is impaired. An intervertebral hernia develops. It is characterized by acute neck pain, numbness of the tongue, edema, limited movement, curvature of the spine.
The exact position of the cervical vertebrae determines the function of the optic and auditory nerves, nose, lips, mouth, throat ligaments, teeth, facial nerve, pituitary gland, brain, parasympathetic nervous system, neck and forearm muscles, glandthyroid, elbow and shoulder joints.
Diagnostic methods
An accurate determination of the cause of the development of osteochondrosis allows you to target the disease in a targeted way. Preliminary diagnosis is indicated after the initial examination by the doctor.
The patient's complaints about the nature of the pain syndromes are taken into account, as well as the information obtained during the examination of the spine in different positions. Examination of the cervical spine allows you to determine the presence of seals and deformities. In addition, attention is paid to the patient's muscle tone and motor skills.
Physicians obtain complete diagnostic information using studies such as:
- radiography. The procedure allows you to assess the condition of the vertebrae in two projections - frontal and lateral. Result - identification of lesions, salt deposits and compacted formations;
- Magnetic resonance imaging allows you to determine not only any pathology of the spine, but also the degree of their severity. Using MRI, the doctor can assess the condition and level of damage to nerve endings, blood vessels, and intervertebral discs;
- computed tomography - digitization of information obtained from X-ray radiation.
In the presence of dizziness, additional examination of structural changes of the vessels with Doppler, angiography and duplex scanning may be necessary.
How to treat cervical osteochondrosis?
After making an accurate diagnosis and discovering the causes of the development of the disease, the neurologist determines how to treat cervical osteochondrosis.
Optimal results are achieved with a complex therapy that involves the use of several methods. WHO approved protocols include medication, apparatus procedures, exercise therapy, and therapeutic massage.
Drug treatment
In each case, the choice of drugs is made on an individual basis. This depends not only on the severity of the pathology, but also on the specific characteristics of the patient's body.
Fixed drug treatment assets:
- anti-inflammatory drugs - pills that relieve pain and inflammation;
- chondroprotectors - drugs that activate cartilage tissue regeneration;
- external agents - ointments and gels that relieve pain and inflammation;
- a complex of vitamins to support the body and stimulate its recovery.
In the first stage of the therapeutic effect, it is possible to increase the pain syndrome - this is the reaction of the muscular system. Physiotherapy procedures are used to reduce anxiety and improve the results of drug treatment.
Physiotherapy means influencing the cause of the disease with the help of special devices - electrophoresis, electrical stimulation of tissues. The use of low frequency currents improves blood circulation to the affected areas, relieves swelling and pain and at the same time, increases the effectiveness of the treatment.
The minimum course of hardware treatment is 10 sessions.
Massage for osteochondrosis of the cervix at home
Manual therapy is a productive way to affect the affected areas at home. With the help of massage tightening, spasms and muscle pains are eliminated, blood circulation is improved, the compression of nerve roots is reduced.
Thanks to massage, metabolism is improved and spinal tissues are restored.
Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
The best method to restore the functionality of the organs of the musculoskeletal system and prevent relapse is physiotherapy exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Procedures are prescribed after complete relief of pain and inflammation.
The main types of exercise therapy:
- physiotherapy;
- dosed walking;
- training for simulators;
- Swiming.
In order for exercises for cervical osteochondrosis to bring the expected results, classes should be supervised by competent specialists.
Folk remedies
Complete elimination of osteochondrosis of the cervix using the methods of traditional medicine is impossible. On the other hand, the use of folk remedies can improve the patient's condition, relieve inflammation, reduce pain and strengthen the immune system.
On average, the treatment period for cervical osteochondrosis lasts up to three months. If conservative treatment has not brought the expected results, surgical intervention is used.
Why is cervical osteochondrosis dangerous?
Pathologies in the neck area pose a serious threat to all human health. Since the neck connects the head to the body, all the important biological communications are located in this part of the spine - the arteries that feed the brain, the nerve channels.
Any change in the functionality of the cervical spine has consequences in the form of:
- circulatory and nutritional disorders of the brain. As a result, hypertension develops, pathologies of the respiratory system and cardiovascular system, VSD, impaired coordination, problems with hearing, vision and speech;
- vertebral artery syndrome. The pathology develops against the background of compression of the vessel that feeds the cerebellum and elongated marrow. The development of cervical osteochondrosis can cause ischemia and stroke;
- radiculopathy - damage to nerve roots, growth of bone tissue in the vertebrae, as a result of which there is a partial or complete loss of mobility.
Compression of the spinal cord, which is located inside the spine, is the most dangerous. Such pathology leads to rupture of the spinal cord lining and causes paralysis. In particularly severe cases, cervical osteochondrosis is fatal.
Even after complete recovery, the disease can return again if the patient does not review his lifestyle - work and rest, habits, food.
As a preventative measure, neurologists recommend paying attention to the following points:
- mattress firmness. An orthopedic mattress and a low pillow are ideal;
- a visit to the sauna is necessary for complete relaxation and relief of muscle spasms;
- a hot daily bath is a good way to improve blood circulation to the neck;
- swimming, walking, stimulates blood circulation, strengthens the muscles of the spine;
- proper nutrition - rejection of foods that slow down metabolism: fatty, fried, sweet, smoked, flour and alcohol. Gelatin dishes, dairy products, nuts, vegetables, white meat, seafood are recommended.
In daily life, you should avoid strenuous physical activity, sharp turns of the head, sitting for a long time or standing in a static position. In addition, it is advisable to use chairs that provide support for the head and back.
An active lifestyle, healthy eating and morning exercises are simple but effective ways to avoid most diseases and live a long life without pain and discomfort.